K-12 Education
The end results speak for themselves in a county where high school graduation rates average 95%, exceeding both the state and the U.S. averages. This successful launch for life is achieved through step-by-step excellence that spans programs and schools starting at an early age. Our excellent, award-winning schools engage students in project-based learning, advanced problem solving, and so much more to support our many local and regional industries and the quality of life in Daviess County.
Superior choices: Public and private
Three public districts and one long-established private religiously affiliated school system provide families with choices they can feel good about—Barr-Reeve Community Schools, North Daviess Community Schools, Washington Community Schools, and Washington Catholic Schools. High-performing high schools include:
- Barr-Reeve Middle/High School: Designated by the Indiana Department of Education as a Four Star School, Barr-Reeve delivers learning that has achieved a state grade of A and an “Exceeds Expectations” at the federal level for student achievement in math as well as in English/language arts. With Barr-Reeve's nationally recognized STEM+ Academy, students have access to unparalleled STEM education.
- North Daviess Jr./Sr. High School: As a Fully Endorsed Early College Provider, North Daviess allows students to earn both a high school diploma and up to two years of credit toward a bachelor’s degree, or an associate degree. The school is focused on project-based learning and measurable outcomes through innovative technology, investigations of real-world problems, and feedback through data analysis.
- Washington High School: Washington High School’s College & Career Academy prepares ALL students for life after high school, allowing students to explore career options in 15 career clusters to prepare for their future, regardless of their intent to enter the workforce straight from high school or obtain a post-secondary education.
The first in the nation to be honored as a PLTW Impact Profile school, WHS engages students with relevant, project-based learning in Engineering, BioMedical Science, and Computer Science fields. As an IDOE STEM Certified school, WHS leads the way in Computer Science Education and incorporates technology, critical thinking, and problem-solving across our curriculum.
WHS has recently earned the CELL Endorsement for our Early College partnership with Vincennes University. Our highly trained staff teach 12 rigorous Advanced Placement Courses in addition to over 25 Dual Credit Courses through VU, preparing students for college-level coursework at a fraction of the cost.
Washington High School offers a wide variety of rigorous courses and real-world experiences to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their future endeavors. - Washington Catholic High School: Catholic education has an established and distinguished history in Daviess County, dating all the way back to the early 1800s. Today, while adhering to a high standard in college prep academics, the high school also focuses on lifelong commitment to learning, Christian values, and community service.
Career and college pathways: How Daviess County high schools accelerate achievement.
Students in Daviess County don’t have to wait to start their future. They can graduate steps ahead through:
- Twin Rivers Career and Technical program, a 12-county educational cooperative that opens career paths with career and technical education in automotive, construction, and healthcare. For more information on Twin Rivers, click here.
- Early College at Vincennes University, available for students at Barr-Reeve and Washington High Schools, allowing students to get a jumpstart on college or careers through technical certifications and associate degrees, which are either terminal or transferrable to four-year institutions. That means that students can graduate ready for a career or having already completed as many as 60 credit hours of college.
- Dual enrollment at Oakland City University, located just 30 minutes from Daviess County, allows students at North Daviess High School to graduate with an associate's degree.
Established in 2016, Upland Indiana’s Regional Opportunity Initiatives (ROI) facilitate innovation across multiple fronts, including education. In Daviess County, ROI’s STEM Fellowship program is building a change-agent network of knowledgeable K-12 teachers with the skills and experience to implement high-impact, project-based learning that starts in kindergarten. STEM Fellows learn to model and design innovative learning through professional development focused on relevant topics such as engineering design and coding. It’s a natural innovation for the 21st-century economy—and for Daviess County. As one teacher notes, “We have Crane [Naval Support Activity Crane] in our backyard. There are so many job opportunities for so many of these kids if they have the STEM skills.”
As the standard for entrepreneurship education in the nation, CEO prepares students to be responsible, enterprising individuals and entrepreneurial thinkers that contribute to economic development and sustainable communities. Daviess County's CEO Program is available to each of the Daviess County Schools and facilitates engagement between students and the surrounding business community, while also requiring students to develop both a class and individual business, taking them all the way through the entrepreneurship process. Click here for more information on the Daviess County CEO Program.
Established in 2016, Upland Indiana’s Regional Opportunity Initiatives (ROI) facilitate innovation across multiple fronts, including education. In Daviess County, ROI’s STEM Fellowship program is building a change-agent network of knowledgeable K-12 teachers with the skills and experience to implement high-impact, project-based learning that starts in kindergarten. STEM Fellows learn to model and design innovative learning through professional development focused on relevant topics such as engineering design and coding. It’s a natural innovation for the 21st-century economy—and for Daviess County. As one teacher notes, “We have Crane [Naval Support Activity Crane] in our backyard. There are so many job opportunities for so many of these kids if they have the STEM skills.”
As the standard for entrepreneurship education in the nation, CEO prepares students to be responsible, enterprising individuals and entrepreneurial thinkers that contribute to economic development and sustainable communities. Daviess County's CEO Program is available to each of the Daviess County Schools and facilitates engagement between students and the surrounding business community, while also requiring students to develop both a class and individual business, taking them all the way through the entrepreneurship process. Click here for more information on the Daviess County CEO Program.
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